Apps that create and store them on your system need to use these files. Temporary files aren’t synonymous with useless files. While Windows 10 now has an easy way to clean the Temp folder, it still won’t tell you when the folder is getting too big.

It can end up taking a lot of space on your system. It isn’t complicated to delete the contents of the Temp folder but the fact is that end users may not know about it. Up until Microsoft added Storage Sense to Windows 10, the Temp folder had to be cleaned manually. You can choose any of these four options to run Storage Sense and select a different period for deleting files in the Recycle Bin. Storage sense can delete files every day, every week, every month, or when you’re low on disk space. The time period after which the temporary files are deleted works follows the setting for Storage Sense. You can have Windows 10 clean it every day, every two weeks, every month, and every two months. On this same screen you can select how often the Recycle bin is cleaned.

On the next window, make sure the Temporary files option is enabled.

After you turn it on, click the ‘Change how we free up space automatically’. Select the Storage tab and turn on Storage Sense. Open the Settings app and go to the System group of settings. Windows 10 has a setting that can clean the temp folder automatically.