It should also be noted that this mod draws heavily on the individual expertise and published work of several other contributors. As the person who conceived the original idea of the contra-rotating props and undertook the majority of the 3d work on both it and the original PA-48 Enforcer, I can confirm it was freely given and its use to develop new and interesting mods is to be encouraged. Regardless of what Beowolff will try to make people believe we have no problem with the release of this mod, nor the use of any of the work involved. I have just seen an unpleasant exchange regarding the posting of a link to the PA-48 Enforcer on SAS. right now we're awaiting skins of several planes and weapons, in particular my new Enforcer update is awaiting a skin for it's new mini-gun pod 3D. if there's any skinners about that would like to give us a hand, we could use the help. we always seem to have more model makers/game workers than skinners. but it's looking good and we're very excited about it. The Vietnam War SA-2 is done in 3D, but still awaiting skinning and import into game. btw the 3D is by DM over at AAS, java and import by me at Free Modding. we hope to have it ready for general download soon. we've got it in game and working, and it's working well, but still lacks a TON of testing and final refinements. our first 'in game' test one is the below, NIKE. Per our Viet Project, we've started work on SAM missiles. Just a Free Modding WIP update on a few things we've got 'in the works.'

Thank you for any friendly consideration, and hope to see some of you there soon. The Beta release (late testing phase) of the Piper Enforcer by Free IL2 Team:Īnd of course we have 'dozens and dozens' of 'other' mods there, either finished or WIP's.

The Alpha release (public testing phase) of the F8A Crusader by Mario71: we don't care about the past, we only care about the future of IL2 and the love of modding (and making and keeping both old and new friends from everywhere!) We're trying "HARD" to have a non-political, friendly, FREE for EVERYBODY site where both mod makers 'and' the general 'flying' public can drop in and hang out, or can use our mods, or make/offer mods of their own.in complete freedom from other sites. We've been in operation for a small while, yet we've made a lot of progress, both with old mods and new mods, and the work continues with the wonderful help of many 'new' and learning modders from all over the world. I'd very much like to invite all of you over to our site, IL2 Free Modding.