The three functions that we will be concerned with in this exercise are the 'Add', 'Extract To', and 'Test' functions. The overall limits may be set by the operating system, but that allows for countless different names for files that all need to be accounted for. Most current operating systems are very lenient with file names, however, so the responsibility will fall back on the programmers and testers to make sure they are handled correctly within the program. As a tester, we may or may not be aware of what file name length a program can handle, especially since many times it is up to the operating system (like Windows, Linux, or OSX) rather than the program we are testing. The difficulty now is in determining what are the boundaries for file name length. The only one that will be demonstrated here is the first, file names that are extremely long. A wide range of file types, including file types that are not recognized by the system (we can make some up) or files that are corrupted.
Files names that contain special characters, such as or programming escape sequences such as \u\s\t. File names that are used by the file system. In this presentation on file name length, here are some possible equivalence classes: In Domain testing, we are evaluating a function's acceptance of input by choosing representative data to enter into the data fields. This example demonstrates the use of Domain testing. You can compress single files or entire folders into as small as one tenth of their original size. RarSoft's WinRAR is a storage compression utility (similar to WinZip), which means that it makes files smaller for archiving purposes. However, the archive will extract correctly if the path or filename are less than 260 characters. testfile.txt) exceed 260 characters, WinRAR displays a message stating that no files were found in the archive. c:\documents and settings\user\.) and the filename (i.e. If the total number of characters in the directory path (i.e. In WinRAR v3.10, the length of a file name can adversely effect the extraction process.